16 Responses to Responsive captive portal login page for Aruba wireless

  1. jelkadri says:

    Hi Gerrard,

    This is a very well layed out and informative blog. I’m trying to create a custom captive portal that is mobile friendly. This blog looks like it will help me quite a bit. do you have any sample code/files that i could reference?


    • gshaw0 says:

      Hi, the Grayscale theme works pretty much straight out the box once you paste the Aruba form code in. Then it’s just a matter of styling it to your needs in terms of colours etc. It is a bit disappointing Aruba don’t provide better functionality out the box but then people wouldn’t pay for consultancy and ClearPass 😉

  2. jelkadri says:

    Also, it’s unfortunate that Aruba doesn’t provide a mobile formatted template for the captive portal

  3. jelkadri says:

    I’m having trouble getting the form code to work. what code needs to be pasted in? Are you able to send me an example. I have everything else ready to go.


  4. Anthony DeCerbo says:

    Hi Gerrard,

    Thanks so much for your post! I’m currently trying to create a custom portal page and your guide has been very helpful. However, I’m having issues getting the error messages to display. Part of the problem I think I’m having is that I am not seeing an errmsg variable being passed in the URL. Is there something special I need to do in order to get the errmsg to be passed in the URL? I’ve used the code you provided on this site along with the reference code and I am not having any luck. I had also tried the sample code provided on the Aruba guide without any luck either.


    • gshaw0 says:

      Hi Anthony,

      I never had any luck with the code given in the manual either, looking at the page source for the stock login screen didn’t seem to have any function in there to set the cookie that was mentioned, hence our alternate method of reading the error code string from the page URL.

      What address do you see in the URL bar if you deliberately enter incorrect credentials? Is it the same with the custom page and the stock Aruba one? We didn’t do anything particular to get the errmsg string appear in the URL so maybe it depends on what version of the controller software is running (we updated ours a couple of months back).



  5. Chris Krafcky says:

    Hi. I know that this post is about 2 years old, but I wanted to see if you had the code / files for the site you built. I’m extremely new to Aruba Mobility and HTML, and I’d like to use your version as a template.

    • gshaw0 says:

      Hi Chris, we’re still using it 🙂 The Aruba is still in use until we replace the Wi-Fi network entirely during the next year or so.

      Send me your email via the contact form and I’ll send you the pages.

  6. Chris Krafcky says:

    Hi. Were you able to send the pages?

  7. nelson6699520 says:

    Hi, Would you send me you pages, many thanks.

  8. Ernesto says:

    Hi, Would you share me your pages,

    • gshaw0 says:

      Hi Ernesto, I’ve put an updated post on a new type of page that works better with Apple devices. It also includes a demo page for you to try out – visit for more details 🙂

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